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Decolonizing Design: cross-cultural collaborations with the Coast Salish peoples

The broader community has a lot to learn from the Coast Salish peoples, and a lot to gain by collaborating with them in efforts to protect and restore the Salish Sea. This panel convenes people who have undertaken cross-cultural collaborations in tribal government, environmental design, activism & cultural interpretation to ask how can we build the capacity for difficult conversations, healing and reciprocity, and collaborative processes. 


Language as a Site of Struggle: A Conversation with Lou Cornum, Jeffers Lennox, and Steve Lyons

The “language in common” can be understood as a call for the left to create signs, symbols, and traditions that can both unify the movement and withstand attempts at co-option by the state and capital. The precedent for such an undertaking can be found in Indigenous cultures of protest and resilience, which have served to unite a movement without essentializing its participants.


The Language in Common

 The Language in Common group exhibition presents artistic practices that site language in the space between poetry, visual art, and performance. The exhibition brings together five artists whose work engages with politics on the periphery of hegemony.


Washington D.C. – #RedRoadtoDC

After thousands of miles traveled and dozens of events across the country on the Red Road to DC Totem Pole Journey for the Protection of Sacred Places, we come to the final stop. Join us on the National Mall for a ceremony and rally featuring tribal leaders, Native and allied organizers, and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland.