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Science in Ceremony Roundtable

The Science in Ceremony roundtable takes as its point of departure the proposition that Indigenous ceremonial knowledge—in the predicates and presuppositions of its protocols and practices—is a science in its own right and on its own terms.


‘Spirit of the Waters’ Totem Pole Journey & Whale People Tour

Lummi carvers transport an orca totem pole, salmon carvings, and our award-winning “Whale People” exhibit to communities throughout the Salish Sea and Snake River bioregion, drawing attention to the extinction crisis facing Pacific Northwest salmon and orcas, and building support for the movement to remove the Snake River dams.


The Movement to Rename U.S. Mountains, Rivers, Valleys

Thousands of mountains, valleys and rivers located on public lands have names that are derogatory, misogynistic, racist or just plain offensive. Join us for a conversation with grassroots advocates working to change offensive places nearest them, and learn about what you can do to help.


Words Are Monuments

Place-names encode a way of seeing, understanding, and relating to the land. They inscribe our social values on official maps for the future generations. Like the movement to topple Confederate and colonial statues, renaming campaigns demonstrate how oppressive word-monuments–as symbols of extraction, erasure, and enclosure–can be replaced and reclaimed as life-affirming sites for cultural resurgence and #landback.