All Virtual Programs

“Salmon People: Indigenous Resistance & Resilience in Alaska” – #RedRoadtoDC

Since time immemorial, the salmon have been sacred to the identities, traditions, and cultural lifeways of Alaska Native peoples. Today, both the salmon and the people that steward them are imperiled by the toxic effects of mineral extraction and industrial logging, and impacted communities are fighting back.


Salmon People: Tracing Indigenous resistance across the Pacific Northwest

NHM Storytelling Fellow Ruth Miller (Łchavaya K’isen) will talk about a powerful visual narrative project we are developing. United by resistance to development projects that threaten cultural preservation and subsistence food systems, the Yupik, Alutiiq and Dena’ina peoples of Bristol Bay, the Lummi Nation, the Yurok Tribe and the Nez Perce Tribe enter into a regional dialogue through a digital storytelling initiative that unsettles Western conceptions of land, food, and object-hood.


Envisioning an Internationalist Green New Deal

In this teach-in we will dig into the intersections between climate change and imperialism and make the case that, to be genuinely equitable, as well as effective, a Green New Deal must be international in scope and internationalist in vision.


Indigenous climate justice: Ecological and relational tipping points

This webinar explores the profound effects colonialism, capitalism, and industrialization on the contemporary conditions for climate activism, underscoring one of the central questions for today: what does it truly mean to center environmental justice in our collective response to climate change?


Fire and Food Sovereignty

For thousands of years tribes across California and the world have used intentional burns to renew local food, basketry, medicinal and cultural resources, create habitat for animals, and reduce the risk of larger, more dangerous wildfires. This panel discussion will provide insights on the relationship between fire and food sovereignty.